
Avoid new orders (when using in multiple symbols)

  • updated
  • Completed

The idea is simple: If you want to use the EA with martingale in multiple symbols at same time it could cause a massive drawdown.

Using magic numbers we could have a parameter to avoid this. Example: magic numbers 123 and 321 cannot work if one or other already have positions.

With this same logic you could have a parameter to allow entries in contrary direction (for hedge). Example : if magic 123 is long it only allow 321 to go short ( to use in situations like USD go down and gold go UP).

I hope Andrey could understand my english. Thanks!

Sai Pratap

As far as I have observed in EURUSD & GBPUSD, CP EA has rarely opened opposite signals and traded in that way. So, IMO, this feature may not required as CP is already handing the trades properly as per my experience. So not casting my vote sir.

Andrey Khatimlianskyi
  • Under review

Good idea, but it should be developed, I think.

1. Magic should be used to group the EAs. We can run independent EA with new magic or "attach" it to the existing group by assigning existing magic.

For example, we can launch the group with magic 111 and disable opening in 1 direction for this group and simultaneously launch group with magic 222 and enable opening in any direction. Each group will look at it's own trades only.

I think we don't need to launch several EAs on the 1 symbol with different parameters. Correct me if I wrong.

2. We need several modes:

  • Enable all (filter disabled)
  • Enable X co-directional trades at the moment
  • Enable X trades in any direction at the moment.

"Co-directional" means, for example: if we have buy EURUSD opened, all buys EURxxx, all sells xxxEUR, all buys xxxUSD and all sells USDxxx are co-directional.

3. Also we can add parameter to limit the number of all trades on account (opened by all EAs/manually).

It will work like regular filter but will not take into account magic numbers.

Have I caught your idea well?

Andrey Khatimlianskyi

Just found nice picture to illustrate 'co-directional' idea:

lourenco jakobson

You asked if you caught my idea...

Tottaly and much more!

YOu are  brilliant! 

Andrey Khatimlianskyi
  • Planned (collecting votes)

So, let's vote for it now! )

Sai Pratap
Quote from Andrey Khatimlianskyi

Just found nice picture to illustrate 'co-directional' idea:

I think this would make much sense with a grid set sir!

Andrey Khatimlianskyi
Quote from Sai Pratap

I think this would make much sense with a grid set sir!

Maybe.. Can be checked with multi-set version of EA (when it is ready).

Andrey Khatimlianskyi
  • Completed

It can be done with RiskPerCurrency.