Big candle and 2 more bugs

  • updated
  • Not a bug

Hi Andrey, and all community!

So it has been a month I'm running this live set, and I'm ready for little review about this

1. Surely it's slow growth, but you have better sleep at night and weekend!

2. But you can put risk higher by put lot 0.1 or even 1 if you want change the game (hit and run, once growth to 100%, immediately secure your initial deposit)

3. Or you can just use set for 0.01 per 500 USD. it's same but without global SL

4. Sometimes when all requirements are met, CP won't open next #2 #3 immediately. That requirements are:

1. Step. This is original pipstep use on Andrey's live account. Calculation for Step are:

#2 Open after 15 points

#3 Open after 11.25 points

#4 Open after 8.4375 points

#5 Open after 6.328125 points

#6 Open after 4.74609375 points

Image 1324

2. Big Candle. after step fulfill, CP would open that order when current opposite candle have 10 points size

Image 1325

On live test, it's not like that, CP EA seems can't see that big candle

Image 1326

Above is most recent trade that have problem about Big Candle (candle size is 12.2 as stated on screen)

Red cross is CP #1 deal

It should open on that Blue cross, but it won't

Image 1328

Instead, CP #2 Open on that cross red line (candle range 20.1)

I also have candle range with 10 points level on separate window for easier visual

This is factor that made this set having floating position much longer, and loose another opportunity as it won't open new sell order when there are sell deal on the move and vice versa


Another new problem found is:

Image 1329

Red cross is CP #2

Blue cross is next CP #3 should open

It did open (CP read big candle properly)

BUT, it open on next candle. As my observation, next deals is open always on current big candle fulfillment as it way too far from martingale step


Next we are going to VPS/Broker execution related problem which make closed in profit signal could make deals closed on 0 or even minus territory

Below is signal for closed in profit. Notice how long it made until executed

Image 1330

and below is the result -0.03

Image 1331

this is that chart

Image 1332

Another trade example result -0.08

Image 1333

Example result -0.10

Image 1334

Example result 0 result

Image 1335

And I found this error about iTDI, maybe it also cause of the problems. It happens quite often

Image 1336


So we reach final review, what I feel stress about are those two problems:

1. Next deals won't open correctly

2. Closed in profit for CP #1 is sometimes result in 0 or minus territory

I think of this as main problem:

1. VPS issue (I use Amazon VPS)

2. Broker issue (I use FBS)

But what I concerned most about is problem number 1

as for number 2 might be resolved by changing to faster VPS and good broker execution

Andrey Khatimlianskyi
  • Not a bug

Dion, thanks for the detailed report!

1. This is how your set works:

If you want to open on the blue line, set the "New deal on the end of the bar only" to false.

2. Run away from this broker! 6-10 seconds for execution — it is awful result. I'll remove FBS from the recommended brokers list ASAP.

3. "Indicator is too slow" error says that your Amazon VPS is too weak... Try another one.