
Triple RSI EURUSD (5m) set

  • updated

Hi everyone.

i made this set using 30M-1H-4H- RSI 

it gives passive yearly income of about 80% with max DD at 30% maximum (25% most of the years)

i made this set to appreciate andrey and all of u who work hard for this EA

Image 1482

Triple RSI EURUSD 1H.set

this is not a complete set and it has a lot to improve. 

feel free to send your improved sets here

MT version:
Set for MT5 only
EA version:
Sai Pratap

Nice set.

Thanks for sharing. Hope it goes live. 

Best part is it sustains the volatile 2018 also.

Below is the backtest with Octa FX broker with 1000$.

Only concern is slightly less number of trades. But not something to worry about.

vishal kumar

I am going to try this @ cent soon . as i run from 1/01/2020 to till today its show that its safe to run on 100$ also . 


there are settings on MT4?

Quote from vishal kumar

I am going to try this @ cent soon . as i run from 1/01/2020 to till today its show that its safe to run on 100$ also . 

Hi vishal 

im happy u liked the set 

its better to try on a demo account first as backtests dont always show real results


u can also increase lot size for better profits 

wish u luck.

Quote from Сергей Николаевич Морозов

there are settings on MT4?

im afraid there isnt. u can convert mt5 to mt4 using the tool thats in (how to) in the site.

Quote from DMT

im afraid there isnt. u can convert mt5 to mt4 using the tool thats in (how to) in the site.

tell me how to do this, please.

Sai Pratap
Quote from Сергей Николаевич Морозов

tell me how to do this, please.

There is a guide under "how to" section.


Can I ask you to do this? I would be very grateful) I just don't have MT5(

Sai Pratap
Quote from Сергей Николаевич Морозов

Can I ask you to do this? I would be very grateful) I just don't have MT5(

I don't mind converting and uploading. But I don't like spoon feeding.

Its a matter of installation in 5 min in downloading and creating a demo account on MQL5.

And this will help u learn the process and be independent for future sets, bcoz many of them will be sharing MT5 sets. So I request to do it urself plz.

Ulises Cune
Quote from Сергей Николаевич Морозов

Can I ask you to do this? I would be very grateful) I just don't have MT5(

You can convert them with this script in PowerShell. Please take 5 minutes and do it yourself, you already have 2 different options. Do it