Viraj Moghe

Viraj Moghe

I was testing various SET files. Most of the SET files were not even giving the results reported by some other tests carried out by team members. This may be because of lower leverage and higher spread by my broker. However, I was surprised by the results of this SET fle. Appears tho me that either this SET file is not tested. Pleaseshare your experience of testing this SET file.

Quote from Viraj Moghe

I was testing various SET files. Most of the SET files were not even giving the results reported by some other tests carried out by team members. This may be because of lower leverage and higher spread by my broker. However, I was surprised by the results of this SET fle. Appears tho me that either this SET file is not tested. Pleaseshare your experience of testing this SET file.

It is better to test the set with real tick.

Please retest it again with real tick