Multi-set (multi-currency as well) version of EA

  • updated
  • Completed

It is global improvement that will allow to run (and test) multiple instances of CP EA on the single chart.

All settings are hidden, you specify only folder contains set-files you want to use (unlimited number of them).

Set-files can be for one or different symbols. All will work together.

Global risk-management should be added as well.

It is something like PRO version, I guess. And I'm not sure it will be free for everyone.

Let's discuss.

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Duplicates 1
Common GUI for CP EA trades

If we can have common GUI (something like below for ex.) indicating all the positions opened by CP EA, we can reduce the load on VPS.

We can avoid GUI on individual charts.

Image 849

Not sure if it is possible to be done, but would like to have it if possible.

Would love to continue the quick close, set break even price when clicked those positions against that magic number. Thanks.

Andrey Khatimlianskyi
  • Completed

So, it is ready --

Please download and test both the single-symbol and multi-symbol versions to make sure your set-files continue to work as expected.

Why is it important to test the single-symbol version as well? Because the modifications I made to allow the EA to trade on multiple symbols could have affected the existing algorithms. They shouldn't have, but we can't know for sure until we test them.

Please report any bugs here or in the Telegram group as usual.
Thank you all for being a part of this great community!
Andrey Khatimlianskyi
  • Started
Andrey Khatimlianskyi

Guys, thanks for your support. Your opinion is very valuable to me!

I don't want to collect donates for this specific improvement, but you can always support me through the donate button in the channel

And I see that you need this pro version. Will try to schedule this huge improvement for November.

ferdinand tampubolon

i am not agree with it

Jerome Powell
Quote from Christian Paramon

Ready to hear the multipairs paid plan... Can't wait to contribute 

me too!!!!!!

Christian Paramon

Ready to hear the multipairs paid plan... Can't wait to contribute 

Jerome Powell
Quote from c00l

I can't wait for this version

Is it still considered? Coz it will be a huge improvement. 

Quote from Andrey Khatimlianskyi

Hi, James!

No, sets will work independently, like different EAs on different charts.

Only "Global Account Close" functions will work for all trades from all sets.

We can make a paid version, but I need more applicants)

I can't wait for this version

Andrey Khatimlianskyi
Quote from james

Hi Andrey, I think this is a great idea, thanks for referring me to it, and as a side note, I'd be happy to pay for it, perhaps just make sure to have full access for backtesting, but can't be placed on a live account / chart, but paid version can

One question, how would the different sets to talk to each other? For example, would 'Close on collective signal' in set A, co-operate with 'Close on collective signal' in set B? How 'Collective' would the open and close signals be? And/Or, say, would 'Close on individual signal' in set B Close an open order in Set A?

Thanks! But yes sounds great and look forward to it,

Hi, James!

No, sets will work independently, like different EAs on different charts.

Only "Global Account Close" functions will work for all trades from all sets.

We can make a paid version, but I need more applicants)


Hi Andrey, I think this is a great idea, thanks for referring me to it, and as a side note, I'd be happy to pay for it, perhaps just make sure to have full access for backtesting, but can't be placed on a live account / chart, but paid version can

One question, how would the different sets to talk to each other? For example, would 'Close on collective signal' in set A, co-operate with 'Close on collective signal' in set B? How 'Collective' would the open and close signals be? And/Or, say, would 'Close on individual signal' in set B Close an open order in Set A?

Thanks! But yes sounds great and look forward to it,