Market profile, volumes

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  • Under review

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There is no lack of ideas as well as the desire to refine the strategy. Lately I have been trading successfully using Boxprofile together with laguerre RSI, STLM and fractals trend line. The results are very good for the indications of the "Market profile" which makes it clear where the sales and purchases are positioned. It could be an interesting implementation for CP or even for a new project. I await subscriptions of interest

Andrey Khatimlianskyi

Please, don't mix VWAP and Market Profile.

In this topic I need correct indicators of MarketProfile.

Please, review them and let me know which one can be used in the EA.


dante tunica

Unfortunately Andrey seems to me easier to read the box profile indicator than the market profile. With the VWAP I was trying to simplify things


Very good idea ... MarketProfile would definitely fit into CP..

Andrey Khatimlianskyi
Quote from dante tunica

Unfortunately Andrey seems to me easier to read the box profile indicator than the market profile. With the VWAP I was trying to simplify things

What is the difference between "box profile" and "market profile"? Please, illustrate your ideas.

dante tunica
Quote from Andrey Khatimlianskyi

What is the difference between "box profile" and "market profile"? Please, illustrate your ideas.

For trading discretion, the data provided with the BOX are much easier to read because they are grouped. The original "market profile" would have the same effectiveness inserted in EA, but you have to understand how to make it work

Andrey Khatimlianskyi

I see.

Do you want to enable BUYs below the POC and enable SELLs above the POC? Have I caught the idea?

dante tunica

Well, what you propose can be a good starting point. Let's consider the data 8H, 16H and 32H. I will post a video tomorrow

dante tunica

Guardando meglio il video e cercando di dare un senso ai movimenti, voglio impostare la strategia in questo modo: TF 30 minuti, POC 8H sarà attratto dal POC 32H, poi da quello a 64H e poi a 128H. Possiamo impostare che se il POC 8H è superiore a 128H scenderà e se è inferiore salirà. Probabilmente c'è un limite di tempo perché ciò avvenga.

Il problema, come puoi vedere nel video, è che il POC si muove secondo i nuovi scambi, quindi dovrebbero esserci molte domande. Se h8 è sopra, ma H16 è sotto ecc. !!!


dante tunica
Quote from dante tunica

Guardando meglio il video e cercando di dare un senso ai movimenti, voglio impostare la strategia in questo modo: TF 30 minuti, POC 8H sarà attratto dal POC 32H, poi da quello a 64H e poi a 128H. Possiamo impostare che se il POC 8H è superiore a 128H scenderà e se è inferiore salirà. Probabilmente c'è un limite di tempo perché ciò avvenga.

Il problema, come puoi vedere nel video, è che il POC si muove secondo i nuovi scambi, quindi dovrebbero esserci molte domande. Se h8 è sopra, ma H16 è sotto ecc. !!!


I kept thinking about how to use the market profile, but in the end I think it is a great tool to have a view of the market, to understand what could happen, but not from signals suitable for strategies that can be inserted in CP. It would be nice to be able to test it, but the implementation work could be very tiring and complicated, maybe not worth it. The Holy Grail is not here. cmq thanks, I learned many new things about how to read data