2% daily idea
Get 2% daily profit from this Strategy.
1. Best pair for this strategy is EUR/USD
2. Minimum investment is 128$
3. First of all you have to find the trend.
4. Do not trade 4 hours before and after major news event.
5. In the direction of trend place first trade with 0.01 lot
Suppose EUR/USD is at 1.3303 and trend is Sell and there is no news event nearby then we shall place first trade and five pending orders as follows:
Trade No. Lot size Trade entry SL TP Profit
1 0.01 1.3303 1.3323 1.3283 2$
2 0.02 1.3323 1.3343 1.3303 4$
3 0.04 1.3343 1.3363 1.3323 6$
4 0.08 1.3363 1.3383 1.3343 8$
5 0.16 1.3383 1.3403 1.3363 16$
6 0.32 1.3403 1.3423 1.3383 32$
Please note if we win at a stage we will stop trading and cancel all pending orders. The net result of either we win our first trade or we win our last trade after losing 05 trades is 2$.
You can increase lot size according to your balance if you want but first try it on demo and then start with small lot.
Hey, it is simple Grid with 20 points step, Lot coefficient 2.0 and manual first antry.
Run the EA, uncheck the "first" checkboxes and open first trade towards the trend.
And good luck!