Jerome Powell´s Printer: Nebula V1 (2022) (EURUSD)
Apperently the FED told me to stop printing. So I giving out a printer of my collection.
It´s pretty basic and nothing special but it can make over 100% APY!
It apears the Nebula wasn´t so stable in 2018! Moreover, the the backtest goes to 2022/02/02.
After this date, it is possible your history will show a DD. I strongly believe it will recovery from that,
but this will tell the next weeks. Therefore, I releasing this set now, now that the markets cooled down a bit.
*This set is backtested with a commission based eurusd, non commission pair might vary*
Iam no way close to ur result!
Thank you Sai for your reply!
Can you send me the ini. file so i can check.