SET File Generator and Result Comparison Excel Macro


Hi all,

I have created Excel macro file which can help populate the different verison of set files (as per version 2.48). The basic aim of this file is as below:

  1. have the default values for the set file which we are going to use
  2. change the required parameters (called as version)
  3. populate the SET file for each version
  4. perform the bacck testing using these diffferent versions of the files
  5. copy paste the results of different versions in different tabs
  6. compare the results of different versions of SET files in DASHBOARD tab

The vary purpose of this macro is to have the different versions of the set files and its outcome at one place and easiy comparable.

This is draft version of the macro file. It is not yet thoroughly tested and may contain errors. It currently accepts input for only 10 versions for the SET file generation. It currently populates only 5 versions of the SET files through macro. More versions can be easily added, if required.

I have basic coding skills, so the code may not be the best in class code, as such everyone is open to incorporate / suggest the changes and share the file with rest of the community

Please let me know your thoughts

SET File Generator Excel Macro



MT version:
Set for MT5 only
EA version: