Can I find a simple users guide to CP-EA?
Hello ppl,
I've recently joined the forum as I found the project infinitely interesting!
Downloaing the EAs(2.49.3) and finding a few set files trying to fimilialise myself with the ea.
I thought I'd get to familialise myself with the EA by running it on a demo or 2....
However, after few days of running it and reading the forum posts, I realised I'd need a better guidance.
Attached is a control(?) panel appears on the CP with 'letgo' MA strategy.
I can see that left had side tells me the current status of the 3 MA lines with its corresponding Time Frame.
On the right hand wisde you have 4 clicable buttons as well as 2 windows marked B and S together with some value appearing when a trade opened.
Now my question is not specific to this set files, but in general, how to use the EA and its seemingly infinite possibilities.
Could someone pointe me to a right directions so I can learn and start conrtibuting what I can ?
Thank you Tarso!
Let me go thru the doc and hope to become a contributing member soon!