
Max Lot Option: Max lot per 1000

  • updated
  • Completed

For the initial lot we have the possibility to chose a Fixed or Fixed lot per 1000 units, i.e. 0.01:

Image 742

However, for correct risk scaling it would be really nice to have also the option of Max Lot Type

  1. Fixed
  2. Fixed size per 1000

In this way the ratio of first lot and max lot can be set to remain, making the strategy scalable.

Say you have your nice method optimized for 0.01 initial and 0.8 final lot size. At the moment you need to manually change that for other sizes (i.e. 0.02 and 1.6), because only initial lot can be set to scale with the deposit. Therefore, more manual intervention is needed, which may result in errors. Also long-term backtesting is improved because ratios remain suitable such as DD%.

I think this is both a #risk-management and #money-management topic.

Andrey Khatimlianskyi
  • Completed

Done in 2.32.1

Andrey Khatimlianskyi
  • Started

Will be implemented soon.


I need it too.


Bind the maximum lot to

Fixed size per 1000

Fixed size per 1000 USD

Now the maximum lot does not depend on these variables. This is the global lot limiter. It is necessary to tie it to 1000, because when the deposit grows, the maximum lot limits the possibilities of averaging, and when he could enter with a large lot to average, he does not.

And we can add a global maximum lot (like now).

Andrey Khatimlianskyi
Quote from drago babnik

I totally agree that we don’t need that. But it is good to know when testing a 5 year long period.

You can adjust max lot for backtests in the terminal settings )

drago babnik
Quote from Andrey Khatimlianskyi

Drago, your idea is clear.. 

But it should be separated from this topic and I am not sure we really need to trade 50+ lots even on micro account.

I totally agree that we don’t need that. But it is good to know when testing a 5 year long period.

Andrey Khatimlianskyi
Quote from drago babnik

Hi Andrey,

If we test backwards or trade on a microaccount, there can be a problem if we have Martingale with a large coefficient (e.g. 1.7 or more) and a microaccount with a large amount. If we deposit $ 5000, this is calculated as 5000 * 100 = 500000. With 10 allowed deals and an initial lot of 0.01 per 1000, the upper lot size limit appears (for some brokers this is 50 lots). We would need the option that if the upper limit of 50 lots is reached, EA opens multiple consecutive transactions with the total allowed amount. So the 6th deal in this case would be 50 lots deal +10 lots deal and these 2 deals (50 + 10) should be treated as one! 

Drago, your idea is clear.. 

But it should be separated from this topic and I am not sure we really need to trade 50+ lots even on micro account.

Andrey Khatimlianskyi
  • Planned (collecting votes)
Quote from Robert Filter

Dear Andrey,

thank you for the timely response!

Yes, I am using it for the sets - the Max Lot effectively transitions from an exponential growth of the Lot (Martingale / Averaging etc.) to a constant grid-like one. Only with the outlined option I can make sets that are automatically adjusted to the position size. So your help is greatly appreciated!

Thank you


I have even better idea — I will add "Max martingale coefficient" parameter.

So you can limit the max increasing of lot.

drago babnik

Hi Andrey,

If we test backwards or trade on a microaccount, there can be a problem if we have Martingale with a large coefficient (e.g. 1.7 or more) and a microaccount with a large amount. If we deposit $ 5000, this is calculated as 5000 * 100 = 500000. With 10 allowed deals and an initial lot of 0.01 per 1000, the upper lot size limit appears (for some brokers this is 50 lots). We would need the option that if the upper limit of 50 lots is reached, EA opens multiple consecutive transactions with the total allowed amount. So the 6th deal in this case would be 50 lots deal +10 lots deal and these 2 deals (50 + 10) should be treated as one! 

Robert Filter

Dear Andrey,

thank you for the timely response!

Yes, I am using it for the sets - the Max Lot effectively transitions from an exponential growth of the Lot (Martingale / Averaging etc.) to a constant grid-like one. Only with the outlined option I can make sets that are automatically adjusted to the position size. So your help is greatly appreciated!

Thank you
